Super Slimming Foods
Pine nuts
Compared to other nut varieties, pine nuts tend to be on the pricier side, but adding them to your shopping cart could be a good investment for your health. Research suggests that the fatty acids in these little nuts could increase satiety hormones, helping you feel full. They're also packed with vitamin B1 and manganese, a mineral that helps your body metabolize carbohydrates and protein.
Sprinkle them on salad, sauté with Brussels sprouts, or use them as an unexpected pizza topping (we love the combination of pine nuts with Brie cheese and sage).
Sprinkle them on salad, sauté with Brussels sprouts, or use them as an unexpected pizza topping (we love the combination of pine nuts with Brie cheese and sage).

Pistachios may be small, but these green-hued nuts contain as much potassium as a banana and are packed with lutein, an antioxidant that benefits your eyes and skin. They also have fewer calories than any other nut variety.
For greater slimming potential, purchase them unshelled: the process of removing the shells will force you to eat more slowly, giving your brain additional time to determine whether or not you're still hungry.
For greater slimming potential, purchase them unshelled: the process of removing the shells will force you to eat more slowly, giving your brain additional time to determine whether or not you're still hungry.

Plantains are a slightly bigger, starchier, and less sweet member of the banana family. Like their cousin, plantains are a great source of resistant starch, containing nearly 3 grams in a half-cup when cooked.
Haven't prepared plantains before? It couldn't be easier: Sauté them in olive oil until they're slightly crispy to make plantain ‘chips' or bake with seasonings like lime juice and honey.
Haven't prepared plantains before? It couldn't be easier: Sauté them in olive oil until they're slightly crispy to make plantain ‘chips' or bake with seasonings like lime juice and honey.

Because they're so carb-heavy, potatoes aren't often considered a health food—but you shouldn't pass on spuds. Potatoes are a great source of resistant starch, so eating them in moderation can help your body burn fat. They'll also keep you full: on the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition's satiety index, potatoes ranked number one.

With the notable exception of movie popcorn—which can contain upwards of 1,000 calories, thanks to all the butter drizzled on top—popcorn is a healthy, filling snack that's loaded with fiber and protein.
"In addition to all of the benefits of being a member of the whole grain family, popcorn is light and airy, so you can eat a large portion," says Sass. "About three cups of popped popcorn—the size of three tennis balls—has the same amount of calories as one small handful of chips or crackers."
"In addition to all of the benefits of being a member of the whole grain family, popcorn is light and airy, so you can eat a large portion," says Sass. "About three cups of popped popcorn—the size of three tennis balls—has the same amount of calories as one small handful of chips or crackers."
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