Nutritionist-approved weight loss foods

Let’s face it—losing weight and keeping it off can be hard work.
And with all the calorie-rich convenience foods that are readily available 24-7, along with sneakyweight-loss saboteurs like stress and lack of sleep that are often beyond our control, even the most determined dieters can fall of the wagon.
However, the key to increasing your odds ofsuccess can be achieved by eating more of the foods with proven weight-loss benefits.
To help you achieve your healthy weight goals,nutritionists recommend adding these foods to your shopping list.
“An apple a day may keep extra pounds away,” says Katherine Brooking, RD, co-founder of Appetite for Health.
A medium apple has around 95 calories and 5 grams of filling fiber. Apple peels are also a richsource of ursolic acid, a natural plant compound that has been shown in preliminary studies to increase fat-burning.
In addition, one study reported that women who added three small apples (equal to 200 calories) to their diet per day lost a little more than 2.5pounds in 12 weeks—more than dieters who did not include the fruit in their diet.

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