Al-Ahqaf (Arabic: الأحقاف, al-aḥqāf; meaning: \"the sand dunes\" or \"the winding sand tracts\") is the 46th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 35 verses (ayat). This is the seventh and last chapter starting with the Muqattaʿat letters Hāʼ Mīm. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is one of the late Meccan chapters, except for verse 10 and possibly a few others which Muslims believe were revealed in Medina. The chapter covers various topics: It warns against those who reject the Quran, and reassures those who believe; it instructs Muslims to be virtuous towards their parents; it tells of the Prophet Hud and the punishment that befell his people, and it advises Muhammad to be patient in delivering his message of Islam. A passage in chapter 15, which talks about a child\'s gestation and weaning, became the basis by which some Islamic jurists determined that the minimum threshold of fetal viability in Islamic law wo
Al-Ahqaf (Arabic: الأحقاف, al-aḥqāf; meaning: \"the sand dunes\" or \"the winding sand tracts\") is the 46th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 35 verses (ayat). This is the seventh and last chapter starting with the Muqattaʿat letters Hāʼ Mīm. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is one of the late Meccan chapters, except for verse 10 and possibly a few others which Muslims believe were revealed in Medina. The chapter covers various topics: It warns against those who reject the Quran, and reassures those who believe; it instructs Muslims to be virtuous towards their parents; it tells of the Prophet Hud and the punishment that befell his people, and it advises Muhammad to be patient in delivering his message of Islam. A passage in chapter 15, which talks about a child\'s gestation and weaning, became the basis by which some Islamic jurists determined that the minimum threshold of fetal viability in Islamic law wo
Muhammad (Arabic: محمد, muḥammad; \"Chapter of Muhammad\") is the 47th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 38 verses (ayat). The title is derived from the direct mentioning of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 47:2.[1] It also has the name of Al-Qiṫāl (Arabic: القتال), which translates to fighting due to the context of the sura.[2] This sura pertains to a specific conflict that arose from people prohibiting the acceptance and spread of Islam. It refers to the Battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered to attack Medina. The Battle of Badr took place during Ramadan, in year 2 of the Islamic calendar.[2] Summary 1 The works of those who oppose Islam shall come to naught 2-3 True believers shall receive the expiation of their sins 4-5 How enemies of Islam are to be treated in war 6-8 God will reward those who fight for Islam 9-12 God will utterly destroy the unbelievers 13-17 The final condition of believers and infidels contrasted 18-20 Hypocrites reproved and warne
Muhammad (Arabic: محمد, muḥammad; \"Chapter of Muhammad\") is the 47th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 38 verses (ayat). The title is derived from the direct mentioning of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 47:2.[1] It also has the name of Al-Qiṫāl (Arabic: القتال), which translates to fighting due to the context of the sura.[2] This sura pertains to a specific conflict that arose from people prohibiting the acceptance and spread of Islam. It refers to the Battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered to attack Medina. The Battle of Badr took place during Ramadan, in year 2 of the Islamic calendar.[2] Summary 1 The works of those who oppose Islam shall come to naught 2-3 True believers shall receive the expiation of their sins 4-5 How enemies of Islam are to be treated in war 6-8 God will reward those who fight for Islam 9-12 God will utterly destroy the unbelievers 13-17 The final condition of believers and infidels contrasted 18-20 Hypocrites reproved and warne
The Kneeling,[1] (Arabic: الجاثية, al-jāthiyah; meaning: \"Upon Their Knees\",[2] \"Crouching\") is the 45th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 37 verses (ayat). It is a Meccan chapter, revealed according to the Islamic tradition during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. This is one of the seven chapters in the Qur\'an that start with the Muqattaʿat Hāʼ Mīm. It contains discussions of \"signs of God\" for humankind to reflect on, and describes punishments for those who deny God despite the signs. It also contains the only Quranic verse mentioning sharia, a term which Muslims later use to refer to the Islamic law. Contents 1 Revelation history 2 Content 3 Names 4 References 4.1 Citations 4.2 Bibliography 5 External links Revelation history According to the Islamic tradition, Al-Jathiya is a Meccan sura, that is, a chapter revealed during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. Some Islamic scholars, however, believed that the verse 14—unlike the rest of the chap
The Kneeling,[1] (Arabic: الجاثية, al-jāthiyah; meaning: \"Upon Their Knees\",[2] \"Crouching\") is the 45th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 37 verses (ayat). It is a Meccan chapter, revealed according to the Islamic tradition during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. This is one of the seven chapters in the Qur\'an that start with the Muqattaʿat Hāʼ Mīm. It contains discussions of \"signs of God\" for humankind to reflect on, and describes punishments for those who deny God despite the signs. It also contains the only Quranic verse mentioning sharia, a term which Muslims later use to refer to the Islamic law. Contents 1 Revelation history 2 Content 3 Names 4 References 4.1 Citations 4.2 Bibliography 5 External links Revelation history According to the Islamic tradition, Al-Jathiya is a Meccan sura, that is, a chapter revealed during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. Some Islamic scholars, however, believed that the verse 14—unlike the rest of the chap
Qaf (Arabic: ق, the letter qāf, is the 50th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 45 verses (āyāt). The name is taken from the single discrete Quranic \"mysterious letter\" qāf that opens the chapter. It is the beginning of the Hizb al-Mufassal, the seventh and the last portion (manzil). Contents 1 Summary 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Summary 1 K.[1] The letter qāf [2] 2-4 The unbelievers wonder at the doctrine of the resurrection 5-6 This wonder due to their unbelief 7-12 God’s works a proof of his power to raise the dead 13-14 The Quraish warned by the fate of other nations who rejected their prophets 15 God not so exhausted by the creation that he cannot raise the dead [3] 16 God nearer man than his jugular vein [4] [3] 16-17 Angels record all human thoughts and actions 18-20 Death and judgment shall overtake all men 21-22 The testimony of the two angels shall condemn the unbelievers 23-25 God shall cast the wicked into hell 26-28 The devils shall disclaim the i
Qaf (Arabic: ق, the letter qāf, is the 50th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 45 verses (āyāt). The name is taken from the single discrete Quranic \"mysterious letter\" qāf that opens the chapter. It is the beginning of the Hizb al-Mufassal, the seventh and the last portion (manzil). Contents 1 Summary 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Summary 1 K.[1] The letter qāf [2] 2-4 The unbelievers wonder at the doctrine of the resurrection 5-6 This wonder due to their unbelief 7-12 God’s works a proof of his power to raise the dead 13-14 The Quraish warned by the fate of other nations who rejected their prophets 15 God not so exhausted by the creation that he cannot raise the dead [3] 16 God nearer man than his jugular vein [4] [3] 16-17 Angels record all human thoughts and actions 18-20 Death and judgment shall overtake all men 21-22 The testimony of the two angels shall condemn the unbelievers 23-25 God shall cast the wicked into hell 26-28 The devils shall disclaim the i
Al-Fath (Arabic: الفتح, al-fatḥ; meaning: \"Victory\" , \"Triumph\") is the 48th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 29 verses (ayat). The surah was revealed in Madinah in the sixth year of the Hijrah, on the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between the Muslim-city-state of Madinah and Makkan polytheists. It mentions this victory, then criticizes the attitudes of the hypocrites, continues with further promises to the Muslims, and ends by mentioning certain important virtues of the Muslim community.[1] The chapter gets its name from the opening verse, which states \"Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph...\" in direct reference to the Treaty which was signed through cooperation between the opposing forces and without bloodshed. The reason this treaty, and therefore chapter, is called a \"clear triumph\" is largely believed to be because of its peaceful nature. Contents 1 Summary 1.1 10 The Soul 1.2 16 Predictions 1.3 18-19 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 1.4 27 The first pilgrimage
Al-Fath (Arabic: الفتح, al-fatḥ; meaning: \"Victory\" , \"Triumph\") is the 48th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 29 verses (ayat). The surah was revealed in Madinah in the sixth year of the Hijrah, on the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between the Muslim-city-state of Madinah and Makkan polytheists. It mentions this victory, then criticizes the attitudes of the hypocrites, continues with further promises to the Muslims, and ends by mentioning certain important virtues of the Muslim community.[1] The chapter gets its name from the opening verse, which states \"Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph...\" in direct reference to the Treaty which was signed through cooperation between the opposing forces and without bloodshed. The reason this treaty, and therefore chapter, is called a \"clear triumph\" is largely believed to be because of its peaceful nature. Contents 1 Summary 1.1 10 The Soul 1.2 16 Predictions 1.3 18-19 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 1.4 27 The first pilgrimage
Adh-Dhariyat (Arabic: الذاريات, adh-dhāriyāt; meaning: The Winnowing Winds) is the 51st chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 60 verses (ayat). It mentions Abraham, Noah, the day of judgment and otherwise reiterates the essential Quranic message. According to Neuwirth\'s literary analysis,[1] as related through Ernst,[2] sura 51, like many early Meccan suras, consists of a tripartite structure: I, 1– 23; II, 24– 46; III, 47– 60. These three sections are corroborated in a 2016 translation, The Clear Quran, which breaks the entire Quran into smaller thematic sections, can be further broken down as follows: Rider oaths (9 verses) and end-times with double portraits (14 verses), including four thematic sections in the Clear Quran entitled, \"Judgement is inevitable,\" \"Warning to the Deniers,\" \"Good News for the Devout,\" and \"God\'s Signs in creation.\"[3] The discourse of guests of Abraham (14 verses) and four other prophets (9 verses), including six thematic sections in the
Adh-Dhariyat (Arabic: الذاريات, adh-dhāriyāt; meaning: The Winnowing Winds) is the 51st chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 60 verses (ayat). It mentions Abraham, Noah, the day of judgment and otherwise reiterates the essential Quranic message. According to Neuwirth\'s literary analysis,[1] as related through Ernst,[2] sura 51, like many early Meccan suras, consists of a tripartite structure: I, 1– 23; II, 24– 46; III, 47– 60. These three sections are corroborated in a 2016 translation, The Clear Quran, which breaks the entire Quran into smaller thematic sections, can be further broken down as follows: Rider oaths (9 verses) and end-times with double portraits (14 verses), including four thematic sections in the Clear Quran entitled, \"Judgement is inevitable,\" \"Warning to the Deniers,\" \"Good News for the Devout,\" and \"God\'s Signs in creation.\"[3] The discourse of guests of Abraham (14 verses) and four other prophets (9 verses), including six thematic sections in the
Al-Hujurat (Arabic: الحجرات, al-ḥujurāt meaning: The Chambers) is the 49th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 18 verses (āyāt). The chapter contains etiquette and norms to be observed in the Muslim community, including the proper conduct towards the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, an injunction against acting on news without verification, a call for peace and reconciliation, as well injunctions against defamation, suspicion, and backbiting. The chapter also declares a universal brotherhood among Muslims. The thirteenth verse, one of the most famous in the Quran, is understood by Muslim scholars to establish equality with regards to race and origin; only God can determine one\'s nobility based on his piety. The chapter is a Medinan sura, revealed in the year 9 AH (630 CE) when the nascent Islamic state under the leadership of Muhammad had extended to most of Arabia. Muslim historians linked some of the verses (either verses 2–5 or just 4–5) to the conduct of a Banu Tamim de
Al-Hujurat (Arabic: الحجرات, al-ḥujurāt meaning: The Chambers) is the 49th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 18 verses (āyāt). The chapter contains etiquette and norms to be observed in the Muslim community, including the proper conduct towards the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, an injunction against acting on news without verification, a call for peace and reconciliation, as well injunctions against defamation, suspicion, and backbiting. The chapter also declares a universal brotherhood among Muslims. The thirteenth verse, one of the most famous in the Quran, is understood by Muslim scholars to establish equality with regards to race and origin; only God can determine one\'s nobility based on his piety. The chapter is a Medinan sura, revealed in the year 9 AH (630 CE) when the nascent Islamic state under the leadership of Muhammad had extended to most of Arabia. Muslim historians linked some of the verses (either verses 2–5 or just 4–5) to the conduct of a Banu Tamim de
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:
COVID-19 typically causes flu-like symptoms including a fever and cough.
In some patients - particularly the elderly and others with other chronic health conditions - these symptoms can develop into pneumonia, with chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
It seems to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.
After a week, it can lead to shortness of breath, with about 20% of patients requiring hospital treatment.
Notably, the COVID-19 infection rarely seems to cause a runny nose, sneezing, or sore throat (these symptoms have been observed in only about 5% of patients).Sore throat, sneezing, and stuffy nose are most often signs of a cold.
Examples of possible development of symptoms (from actual cases)
Using available preliminary data, the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission published on Feb. 28 by WHO, [5] which is based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases, observed the following median time from symptoms onset to clinical recovery:
Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to a severe pneumoniacausing shortness of breathand breathing difficulties.
Fever, cough or chest tightness, and dyspnoeaare the main symptoms reported. While most cases report a mild illness, severe are also being reported, some of whom require intensive care.
Australian Government
The Australian Government Department of Health informs that symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia, adding that some people will recover easily, while others may get very sick very quickly. According to their list of novel coronavirus symptoms, people may experience:
flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
Below we list the symptoms, with percentages representing the proportion of patients displaying that symptom, as observed in hospitalized patients tested and identified as having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection. These findings refer to hospitalized patients, therefore generally representing serious or critical cases. The majority of cases of COVID-19 (about 80%) is mild.
Findings from the Wang et al study published on JAMA and based on 138 hospitalized patients